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Numbering Resource

A numbering plan is a type of numbering scheme used in telecommunications to allocate telephone/cellular numbers to subscribers and to route telephone/cellular calls in a network. The Commission is guided by the Telecommunications (Numbering) Regulations which stipulates the functions of the Commission as it pertains to maintaining control of all telecommunications numbers to ensure fair and efficient use.

ECTEL Numbering Plan

National Numbering Plan

Numbering has been recognized as an important driver of telecommunications developments and has become a key competitive factor in the telecoms industry. Telecommunications numbers are an indispensable means to route calls through the networks in order to identify and reach customers and services. Numbers are also used for the billing process. The availability and mode of number allocation could influence the way operators engineer their networks, possibly with consequential costs to both operators and customers. These and other reasons make fair and equitable access to numbering resources of vital importance to competition and to ensure the development of a competitive telecommunications market is not disadvantaged on numbering grounds.

The Numbering Plan addresses the following numbering resources to be administered by the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission:

1. Central Office Codes (COCs)

2. Carrier Identification Codes (CISs)

3. International Mobile Subscriber Identifier (IMSI)

4. Signalling Area Network Code/International Signaling Point Code (SANC/ISPC)


6. Number Portability

7. Data Network Identification Code (DNIC)

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